Ressources numériques en sciences humaines et sociales OpenEdition Nos plateformes OpenEdition Books OpenEdition Journals Hypothèses Calenda Bibliothèques OpenEdition Freemium Suivez-nous 2008-2009 guide in English

The Centre for Open Electronic Publishing has just released an English version of its annual guide to, Calenda and Hypothèses services and tools. This user-oriented leaflet is published every year in French. It is translated in English for the first time.

It offers information about searching for a journal or an article on, submitting an announcement to Calenda, the social sciences calendar, creating a research notebook on Hypothèses blog platform. More generally, it aims to spread the use of digital resources among the humanities and social sciences community.

Also included is a comprehensive list of member journals.

An abridged version of guide can be downloaded here : 2008-2008 guide (pdf file)

If you wish to receive print copies of guide, send an email at the following address :

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Delphine Cavallo (2 avril 2009). 2008-2009 guide in English. L’Édition électronique ouverte. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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